Category Crypto

information about a single crypto or a crypto topic

Nicehash Miner – Step By Step Guide

What is the NiceHash miner? The NiceHash miner is a program that you can download from that allows you to use your computer’s power to mine Bitcoin. For more information on what mining is check out the Bitcoin Mining…

Bitcoin Mining

What Is Mining? Mining is the process of using your computer computational power to perform tasks that reward you with cryptocurrencies. This mining is actually your computer doing complex maths to verify actions that happen such as transfers of a…

How to Join Coinbase

What are we doing? If you’re reading this guide then you’re probably wanting to start investing in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and you need a way to change your fiat money(real world money such as USD, GBP, EUR) into your…

Site Goals

What is this site and why is it being made? This site is being made to help people get into crypto-currencies and trading. Bitcoin is the big name in crypto and it’s been gaining traction every year becoming more and…